Online donations are facilitated through
Click the button below to be redirected to the donation site.
If you would like to designate your donation to a specific fund, there is a drop down menu in
Examples include:
General Fund
Building Fund
Youth Group
Sunday School
Camp Scholarships
Women's Ministries
Donations to help cover costs for Special Events
(Example: Parents Night Out, VBS, etc - Please do not enter registration fees here )
Undesignated donations will automatically be applied to the general fund.
To give using, click the green "GIVE" button is an online giving site designed for churches, providing options for one time payments or recurrent giving on a timeline you choose. |
Giving Type Options:
ACH/Bank to Bank Transfer Visa/Mastercard American Express |
PLEASE NOTE: charges a fee of 1% plus 30 cents per transaction for ACH/bank to bank transfers, 2.9% plus 30 cents per transaction for Visa/Mastercard, and 3.5% plus 30 cents per transaction for AmEx.
You can choose to cover this fee in your donation amount if you wish.
You can choose to cover this fee in your donation amount if you wish.